Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Breaking Dawn: Part 1 re-cap

Donated Quilt #1
Donated Quilt #2
Everyone who attended got a Twilight-themed key fob

We had so much fun at the Breaking Dawn: Part 1 showing we did for charity.  We had TONS of awesome door prizes!  We had a great turnout, selling almost ALL of our 249 available tickets.  With everyone's help, we were able to help feed the orphans at the Borto-Deseret Orphanage for another year.  We are so grateful for all of the donations and help we received from everyone involved: the Colton's Angels girls, Sisters of Service, the staff at the Orem Cinemark, everyone who donated door prizes, Esprit Floral, and everyone who attended.  We honestly could not have done this without all of you.

Donated Poster #1
Now to show off all the awesome door prizes we received!

Joanna Peterson at Designs by Laura Jo donated two great quilts and 3 Twilight posters.

Donated Poster #2

Vicki Peterson at Sweetbriar Cove donated kitchen sets, each containing a reversible apron and 2 hot pads.

Diana Olson donated five $5 Gift Cards to Cinemark Theaters.

Lynsey Cook donated the "Our Best Bites" cookbook and 2 Twilight-themed t-shirts.

Melissa Hancock donated 2 Paparazzi jewelry sets.

Sweetbriar Cove donated 4 red water bottles, 4 silver water bottles, 2 pairs of long red gloves, 3 lotion/body scrub sets, 5 necklaces, 4 measuring cup sets, and 3 spatula/measuring spoon sets.

Marci Brown and Angela Shepherd donated 22 gift certificates for caramel apples and chocolate covered pretzels.  The theater wouldn't allow us to bring outside food into the theater, so the prizes were available outside immediately following the movie.

Carrie Brown at Gracie Lou's donated a darling picture plaque and four $10 gift cards to Gracie Lou's wrapped in black and white fabric.

Carrie's daughter Carly donated a Tribeca Scentsy warmer with 2 scents (Sugar and Radiance).

Melanee Peterson and her friend donated a large box full of key fobs, necklaces, and bookmarks.

Esprit Floral donated 250 Twilight roses for everyone who attended.

Izzy n Ivy Designs donated 5 zipper pouches and 2 purses.

The amazing black Twilight roses donated by Esprit Floral.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Orphanage, part 3

Today is the final post in our spotlight series on the children at the Borto-Deseret Orphanage in Liberia.  If you would like to read more about these kids, you can see our previous posts here (part 1) and here (part 2).

Children 34 thru 39 (left to right)

34:  Vivian Clemens is the sister to Otis Clemens (child 33) and Emmanuel Clemens (child 38).  She is 3 years old.  Nothing is known about their parents, but the orphanage staff are actively trying to locate any information about them.

35:  Jarsu Sirleaf was brought in by her aging grandmother.  The grandmother couldn't give the orphanage much of a story about her, so little is known.  Her grandmother has since died.  Jarsu is 5 years old.

36:  Charles Quayan was brought in by the police from the street.  Every time the orphanage contacts the police for more information about him, they are told that the police are still actively searching for information regarding his history.  He is 4 years old.

37:  Jenkins Sumo was brought to the orphanage by members in the community.  He is 4 years old.

Children 40 and 41 (left to right)
38:  Emmanuel Clemens is the brother to Vivian Clemens (child 34) and Otis Clemens (child 33).  He is 6 years old.

39:  Williams Carter was brought to the orphanage by his mother.  She has 12 living children and no husband.  She asked the orphanage to help her with the care of Williams, since she cannot care for all 12 children by herself.  He is 8 years old.

40:  Leemu Kollie was brought in by the township commissioner.  The orphanage is still trying to find out more information about Leemu.  She is 5 years old.

41:  Samuel Bass was also brought in by the township commissioner.  The orphanage is still trying to find out his history.  He is 4 years old.

Thank you so much for all of your donations over the past few weeks!  Because of the wonderful support we have received, these 41 kids will be able to eat for another year.  And by eat we mean two meals a day of rice and beans.  These kids don't get much, so we are really grateful that we will be able to help them.  Also, any money left over from purchasing their years' worth of food will go toward Malaria medications, bed nets, and other needed medical supplies.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Orphanage, part 2

Child 20

Today is part 2 of our spotlight on the children of the orphanage.  To find part 1, click here.


20:  Frank Johnson's mother died, but the cause of death is unknown.  She was a 17-year-old single mother.  Other than that, nothing more is known about Frank.  He is 1 year old.
Child 21

21:  Serena Johnson's mother suffered from typhoid and died at 15.  Serena was brought to Borto Deseret by her mother's older sister.  They were informed that Serena suffered from Aspirated Tetanus during her birth, resulting in near constant illness.  She is 1 year old.

22:  Francis Clinton - nothing is known about him as of yet.  He is 5 years old.

Children 22 thru 27 (left to right)
23:  Samuel Ganjah's mother died from childbirth.  His father was a rebel, but not much is known about him.  Samuel has had pneumonia all along.  Not much else is known about him.  He is 3 years old.

24:  Mary Lugar was brought in to the orphanage by the General Town Chief, who did not know much about her parents.  She suffers from Olthemal and is now coping with what little treatment the nurse can give her.  She is 4 years old.

Child 28
25:  Nancy Garwoloquoi's mother left and married another man in 1990.  Her father was a fisherman on the St. Paul river, providing for his eight children until he died.  Nancy was brought to the orphanage by surviving relatives of her father.  She is 3 years old.

26:  Mercy Gbanjah was one of 13 who survived a fire disaster.  No trace of her family has been found.  Since then, she has suffered from neonatal tetanus.  The orphanage is finding it difficult to cope with this, because Mercy needs more advanced medication and Borto does not have the means to acquire it for her.  She is 4 years old.

Children 29-33 (left to right)
27:  Standly Rufus's father was an Ecomong from Nigeria.  His mother was killed in the fighting.  He is 6 years old.

28:  Fatu Sumo's mother had AIDS and died shortly after giving birth to Fatu.  Her father brought her to the orphanage and died one year later.  She is currently suffering from pneumonia.  She is 7 months old in this photo.

29:  Robert Kona was brought in to the orphanage by an unknown person. Other than that, nothing else is known about him.  He is 4 years old.

30:  Love Toagr was brought to the orphanage by Cora Ricks, one of the volunteers at Borto.  Cora said that armed robbers killed both of Love's parents and that she had been staying with extended family.  The family was not caring for her properly, so she was given to Borto to care for.  She is 4 years old.

31:  Menwoe Harris was brought in by her Aunt after she got married and moved to another village.  Her father was killed by a snake bite and her mother died, but how is not known.  She is 3 years old.

32:  Marcus Saye was brougth to the orphanage by a nurse from the Harrisburg clinic where his mother had given birth to him.  She ran away because she couldn't pay the hospital bill and other financial obligations she had.  He is a very smart boy and does well in school.  He is 9 years old.

33:  Otis Clemens is in the orphanage with his brother and sister.  Nothing is currently known about their parents or family, but the workers at the orphanage are actively searching for information about them.  He is 7 years old.

Stay tuned for part 3 of our Spotlight on the children of the Borto Deseret Orphanage later this week.

If you would like to donate to the orphanage, please email us at coltonsangels@gmail.com, or call us at 801-423-1876.  Remember that you can also help by purchasing a ticket to our charity showing of Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, part 1 on November 18th at 7:45 PM.  Tickets are $25.  Proceeds help feed these children for an entire year.

Thank you so much for your help and support of this wonderful cause!

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Orphanage

Many people have been asking where the money we raise at our Breaking Dawn movie event goes. Well, the proceeds go to the Borto-Deseret Orphanage. The Borto-Deseret Orphanage was founded in 2007 in Harrisburg, Liberia, which is about an hour away from Monrovia (the capitol).

There are currently 41 children living in the orphanage.

Every January, the local NGO (Non-Government Organization, like charitable organizations that go to other countries to try to help) helps the orphanage acquire food for about half the cost it would normally be. The orphanage purchases their food for the entire year in January.

The woman in charge of the orphanage sent us photos and bios of each of the 41 children at the orphanage. Over the next few days we'll be telling you a little about each of them, so you know who exactly you are helping with your donations.


Children 1-6 (left to right)

1:  Grace Pear was brought to the orphanage by her grandfather.  He told them that her mother had died in childbirth and her father had died during the Liberian war.  She is 3 years old.

2:  Washington Wonnie was brought to the orphanage by his father.  His mother had left them and his father could no longer care for Washington.  Washington is now 8 years old.  They have since learned that his father has died.  

3:  Lucy Wymon's story is similar to Washington's.  Her mother died and her extended family brought her to the orphanage to be cared for.  She is 3 years old.  

4:  Anthony Clemens was left at the hospital by his mother.  His uncle brought him to the orphanage.  He is 4 years old.

5:  Prince Stauah's parents were both killed by stray bullets during the Liberian war in 2003.  His mother died immediately and his father died later during treatment for his wounds.  A teenager found Prince and brought him to the orphanage, saying he needed to purchase some items and would return.  He never came back, and Prince has been with the orphanage since.  He is 9 years old.

6:  David Sumo's parents ran away during the war and have not been seen for the last ten years.  He was found in the community by one of the workers at the orphanage.  He has been at Borto since 2008.  He is 5 years old.

7:  Cecilia David was abandoned by her mother along the side of the road when she was a baby.  She was found by one of the Borto staff members and brought back to the orphanage.  She is 4 years old.

8:  Marthaline Kollie is one of the orphanage's miracle children.  She was found practically dead, with little life in her and very malnourished.  For a time, everyone thought she would die, but with the help of Neil and Vicki Peterson (white LDS missionaries who were in that area at the time) who helped provide food and medication, she survived.  She is 6 years old.
Children 7-11 (left to right)

9:  Cora Kerkula was brought to the orphanage by a man who claimed to be her uncle.  He asked for some help with her care.  He has never come back.  Cora is a lovely child, but needs real attention, especially where her education is concerned.  She is 6 years old.

10:  Abraham Davis was brought to Borto by his grandmother, who died a year later.  The orphanage has not been able to locate any family members since.  He is 4 years old.

11:  Thomas Kollie was brought to the orphanage by Quita, the country director for Borto Deseret.  When Thomas was one-year-old his mother took him to live with Quita.  She left and has not been seen or heard from since.  Thomas is now 9 years old.

12:  David Clemens has lost both of his parents.  His father was a rebel and died during the Liberian civil war, and his mother died from a brief illness.  Since then, none of David's family has come forward to claim him.  He is 6 years old.

13:  James Raynes was brought to the orphanage, malnourished, by his parents who needed help with his care.  No one knows their whereabouts.  The orphanage workers went to a community awareness for help locating family members for James and David Clemens (see above), but up to this time they have been unable to locate any family for either boy.  He is 4 years old.
Children 12-17 (left to right)

14:  Eva Labella was brought to the orphanage when she was two-years-old by the local police.  Not much is known about her, because the police didn't have any information on her background, but it is known that she is an orphan.  She suffers from some disorder which causes her to sleep a lot, and she has trouble learning in school.  She is 7 years old.

15:  Joseph Kennedy's mother has a mental disorder and does not know who her son is.  His grandfather is very old and can not take care of him, so he was brought to the orphanage. 

16:  Samuel Kalie is an orphan.  His mother was killed in a car accident and his father was killed in battle in Sierra Leone.  Not much other information is known about him.

17:  Emmanuel Kollie walked into Borto all by himself.  He wouldn't divulge many details, except that he was an orphan and that both of his parents had died.  The orphanage staff reported his case to the police, who gave Borto legal documents to keep Emmanuel under their care.  He is a very smart boy who does well in school.  The staff hopes he will be able to keep up with the demands of education as he grows, especially as he approaches high school level, because they do not have the support for children to go up to high school at the orphanage.
Children 18 and 19 (left to right)

18:  Musu Johnson, age 3, was brought in one Sunday morning by a strange individual and left at the door.  When she was discovered, the staff immediately notified the police, who told the orphanage to just keep the child.  The orphanage staff has gone to the Ministry Social Welfare for help in locating some family, but have not heard anything.

19:  Timothy Johnson was cared for by a woman and her husband until he was 11 months old.  He was brought to the orphanage because the couple could not agree on whether or not to make room for him in their house.  He was brought to the orphanage by the woman who cared for him.  He is a very good child, and says he would like to be a pastor when he gets older.

 Stay tuned for more photos and bios of the remaining 22 children in the orphanage.  These are the children your donations are helping to survive.  If you would like to donate but are unable to attend the movie, please contact us on ways you can help.  Email: coltonsangels@gmail.com or call Angie or Joanna at 801-423-1876.

Thank you so much for your help and support with this worthy cause!

Monday, October 24, 2011

2011 Update

Wow! We haven't posted on here for a while, and we feel really bad about that, but we have a good excuse! We have been super busy this year!

In January we set a lot of goals, and are coming really close to meeting them by the end of the year.

We gave a scholarship away at the end of the 2010-11 school year to a graduating senior from our local high school.
24 fleece blankets for our newborn kits

In March we delivered the following items to different departments at our local hospital:

  • 25 small stuffed animals and 51 crayon/activity book Ziploc bag kits to the ER
  • 13 blue and 11 white fleece blanket newborn kits (included a newborn onesie and pair of socks) to the Nursery
  • 2 fleece sport blankets, 7 red fleece blankets, 6 green fleece blankets, 1 pink quilt, 2 crayon roll-up bags, 11 fabric bags with crayons and coloring books, and 2 plaid fleece blankets with crocheted edges to the Pediatrics department.

We appliqued motifs onto the front of the plain onesies.
In August we held our 3rd Annual Raffle at the Salem Days Quilt Show.  We had a lot of fun with some awesome prizes for the raffle winners.  Thank you to all of the people and businesses who donated items for us to raffle off!

Pink quilt donated to Pediatrics
We have also been working on newborn kits for Baby Your Baby.  We made about 25 kits in March, and have another 20 or so ready to be put together in the next day or so.  We are fortunate enough to have an opportunity to hear one of the representatives from the Baby Your Baby program speak later this week, and are looking forward to giving her our donations at that time.  The newborn kits have been really fun to put together.  Originally we appliqued little motifs onto the front of the onesies, but we recently found some darling onesies that don't need any embellishments.  Our newborn kits include a small fleece blanket, a newborn-sized onesie, and a pair of newborn socks, all tied up together in a small bundle with a bow and gift tag for the recipient.

At the end of last year, we also made some self-binding receiving blankets and burp cloths.  We put them together into kits for Baby Your Baby, as well.

blankets and burp cloths for Baby Your Baby

We are really excited about what is happening next month though.  We have a busy November planned.  On November 18th we are hosting a charity viewing of the newest movie in the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 1.  We are selling tickets for $25, which includes the movie ticket, your charitable donation, and your entrance into our door prize drawing.  We've already started taking donations, and they are incredible so far!

Our darling sew-in labels.

Also in November we are participating in the Festival of Trees.  All proceeds from Festival of Trees go to benefit the Primary Children's Medical Center, which is a cause that is very dear to our hearts.  Our tree this year is dedicated to all little boys, with a theme of "Lil' Boys Are Made Of".  We are really excited about how this tree is coming together, and it is going to be darling!  Festival runs from November 30th thru December 3rd, so if you are in the Salt Lake City, Utah area during that time, you should really stop by.  It is a great experience, and kids love seeing all of the fun Christmas trees.

We will continue posting updates on our November events as they approach, so please keep checking back for more info, photos, updates, etc.!

If you would like to donate to Colton's Angels, please contact us at coltonsangels@gmail.com.  Thank you!